Qualified Chiropractor and Breathwork Practitioner
Humans are obligate nose breathers at birth. Our nose and paranasal sinuses are critical in warming, humidifying and cleaning the air that we breathe. A significant amount of particulate matter that we breathe in with air, is trapped in the thin mucous layer lining our noses and sinuses. The body then utilises its amazing immune system to eradicate innumerable bacteria, fungi and viruses. The unfortunate habit of mouth breathing changes the process of filtration and clearing; overloading our pharyngeal lymphatics and creating the tendency to blocked, stuffy noses, frequent throat infections and potentially a host of mechanical changes around the facial skeleton and alignment of the head and neck.
In short we need to breathe through our noses.
Our breathing needs to be appropriate to the situations we find ourselves in. The rate of ventilation (how fast we breathe) will change based on whether we are stressed or relaxed, whether we are exercising or at rest, our emotional state and even nutritional state. The same is true for our the depth of our breathing. Many of us habitually over-breathe (too fast and shallow) which can result in a huge array of signs and symptoms. From tension and stiff achy muscles to anxiety and panic attacks. Back, neck and shoulder pain to gastrointestinal disturbances.
There are multiple assessments, questionnaires and tests which can be performed to assess ones breathing mechanics, and then specific breath-based rehabilitation techniques to assist and empower people to better health and wellbeing.
Try slowing your breath down.
Breathe through your nose.
Relax and use your powerful diaphragm (belly breathing).